Funeral Rites Customs The Family Members Make Soup Of The Ashes Of Dead Body And Drink It

Funeral Rites Customs The Family Members Make Soup Of The Ashes Of Dead Body And Drink It

Funeral Rites: People of every religion and society in the world have some customs. Generally, in most of the funeral rituals, there is a custom of burning the dead body, burying it or leaving it for the food of animals. But, today we will tell you about some such strange and poor customs of the funeral, knowing which you will be surprised.

corpses are cut into pieces

According to media reports, people of Buddhism in Tibet take the dead body to the crematorium built on the top of a mountain for the last rites. There already some lamas or Buddhist monks worship the dead body according to the rules and regulations. After which the dead body is cut into small pieces, dipped in a solution of jai flour and left for vultures and eagles. The remaining bones (bones) are also later made into sawdust and fed to the birds by dipping them in a solution of barley flour.

According to the report of Daily Mail, there are some major reasons behind this tradition. Firstly, due to being at a very high altitude, trees are not easily found here in Tibet. Therefore, it is very difficult to collect wood for the last rites.

Second, due to the stony ground here, it is very difficult to dig a pit to bury the dead body. Apart from these, Buddhism also believes that there is no need to keep the dead body decorated. Even after burial, only insects eat the dead body. It is better to make it a morsel for the birds. In Buddhism it is called ‘self-sacrifice’.

Dead bodies are removed from the grave again and again

Madagascar is located on the east coast of Africa. Here, after burying the dead body under the Famadihana tradition, it is taken out from time to time. There is a belief behind doing this that until the flesh of the dead body does not melt, the soul of the dead cannot be liberated. When the skeleton of the dead body remains, it is taken out of the grave and celebrated on the spot. After which the dead body is again buried in the grave.

Soup is made from the ashes of the dead body.

The Yanomani tribe is found in the Amazon forests. Here the endocannibalism custom is adopted for the last rites. In which the dead body is covered with leaves and kept inside the house and after one month it is burnt and the ashes are kept in a vessel. The family members of the deceased make a soup of that ash and drink it. According to the report of The Guardian, there is a belief behind doing this that the dead soul gets peace only when his dead body is used by his own.

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